Create Imp

Cost: 150 times current number of Imps possessed.
Duration: --
Effect: Creates a new level 1 Imp on an adjacent tile.
Works: Only within your own domain.

Special Notes:
This spell reduces in price when Imps are lost.

You can reduce the price of this spell by 300 by sacrificing an Imp in the temple.

 Must Obey

Cost: 25 per second.
Duration: Until cancelled.
Effect: Increases creature's speed by 25% and locks happiness level.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
This spell forces your creatures to do any job to which you assign them. Creatures still leave to eat and take pay, and their skills at jobs that they will not normally do are not increased.

 Sight of Evil

Cost: 50-130.
Duration: Variable
Effect: Reveals a portion of the map at the point it is cast. The circle may be moved about during the duration of the spell. Radius and duration vary with power.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
The only spells that may be safely and successfully cast within a Sight of Evil circle are Lightning and Cave-In. They can be very useful for eliminating hidden adverserial forces. Note that the Lightning spell's radius of effect decreases when cast inside the Sight circle.

Be cautious when casting Destroy Walls inside the circle. The spell will function, but there is a bug in the game which may corrupt the list of what tiles are visible and lock up the Sight of Evil spell. The game usually crashes shortly afterward if the error occurs, and the error can be saved in a save game, making it useless after that point.

 Call to Arms

Cost: Free if cast within your domain; 20 per second when outside it.
Duration: Until cancelled.
Effect: Summons all minions under its radius of influence to the casting point. Radius varies with power.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
Use this spell to lead your army into battle and to prevent creatures from trying to return home when they no longer see an enemy. You can move the banner around to gather minions under its influence and then to guide them wherever you want them to go.

Minions appear to never become angry while under the influence of this spell. However, they will starve at the normal rate, so be careful not to carelessly leave a group of minions under it and forget about them.

Minions who have the teleport spell will instantly teleport to the banner if it is possible to do so.

Many types of minions will destroy enemy room tiles if this spell is cast on the room they are in; take note of this when dealing with rooms you may need to claim, or rooms that have items in them that do not belong in that type of room, such as a spell book in a Prison.

Imps will not answer a Call to Arms.

Beware casting this spell on Guard Posts. If the Guard Post is destroyed, it may also destroy your Call to Arms banner, making your spell useless from that point on.


Cost: 1000-2600.
Duration: Variable.
Effect: Causes rocks to fall from the ceiling and damage creatures underneath. Multiple cave-ins can be caused at one point. The duration, radius, and intensity increase with power.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
Cave-In is useful for damaging creatures. It will not harm traps, doors, room tiles, or walls, and cannot repair dungeon breaches or create land over Water or Lava (note this is contrary to information in the game's manual).

Be careful when casting this spell that your own creatures are not beneath its area, as they can be damaged by your own cave-ins. On the other hand, the spell is very useful for repelling enemy Imps, who refuse to run underneath it and can easily be killed by it.

 Heal Creature

Cost: 300-1100.
Duration: --
Effect: Restores 80 to 500 HP to the creature it is cast on.
Works: Anywhere. Can also be cast on the Battle Information panel.

Special Notes:
Use this spell to heal creatures in battle, in Prison, in the Torture Room, and anywhere else you might expect loss of health to occur. The spell does not, contrary to some, cast a radius of healing -- it affects only the targeted creature, and works only on your minions and prisoners.

 Hold Audience

Cost: 1000.
Duration: Until cancelled.
Effect: Transports all minions to your Dungeon Heart.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
This spell is not often used, but can come in handy especially when stealthy creatures such as flies or thieves sneak into your Heart Room. Imps are not transported by this spell. Try casting this just before Armageddon begins, and you may gain the upper hand.


Cost: 600-3000.
Duration: --
Effect: Calls down the power of a thunderstorm over a 1 to 5 tile radius.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
Sorely expensive, but a staple spell for a keeper of any stature. The power of this spell is greatest in a direct hit, and the effect decreases as the distance from the epicenter increases. It cannot harm your own minions, and it will not affect anything other than creatures.

Try casting it inside a Sight of Evil circle to give your enemies a truly shocking surprise!

Try the Protect spell to help guard your minions from other keepers' lightning strikes; it prevents all damage from the spell unless a direct hit is taken.

 Speed Creature

Cost: 100-900.
Duration: 15-55 seconds.
Effect: Increases the target creature's speed by 100%.
Works: Anywhere. Can also be cast on the Battle Information panel.

Special Notes:
This spell is useful for almost all tasks, including training, battle, research, manufacture, scavenging, and torture. Fortunately a number of species gain this spell as a skill as they level up, relieving you of the cost and chore of casting it upon them.

In case you're wondering how Speed Creature is useful in torture, it will cause creatures to convert to your cause much more quickly than they would otherwise. Note that this may not always be the best choice if you would like the enemy to reveal map information to you, or if you'd just like to prolong their suffering a little, in the true keeper spirit!


Cost: 100-900.
Duration: 15-55 seconds.
Effect: Increases a creature's armor by 25%; decreases damage dealt by Keeper Lightning spell to zero unless hit directly.
Works: Anywhere. Can also be cast on the Battle Information panel.

Special Notes:
This spell can be used to give your minions that extra edge in combat. Note that Boulder Traps are still lethal to creatures under this spell.


Cost: 100-900.
Duration: 15-55 seconds.
Effect: Makes creature invisible to enemies.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
This spell hides your minions from enemy eyes, but only until their actions make their presence known. If a minion attacks an enemy or anything near an enemy such as a door, its presence will become known. After an invisible minion is revealed by attacking, the spell cannot be recast upon it until the original casting has expired. This spell is best used for sneaking minions past choke-points while under possession, and for claiming the territory of enemy Keepers by stealth.

Note that you yourself cannot view invisible enemies, while your own minions under the spell appear translucent. Creatures under this still appear as a dot on the world map, however, giving you an opportunity to keep them from sneaking into your dungeon undetected. This could be especially lethal when dealing with Avatars, who conveniently come equipped with the spell as a skill.


Cost: 7000-9000.
Duration: 15-55 seconds in target creature; 55 seconds in creatures to which it is passed.
Effect: Infects the target creature with a lethal, communicable plague
Works: Only within your own domain.

Special Notes:
This spell is outrageously expensive and works only within your own domain; however, it is very lethal when cast in large groups of creatures. Note that it is not very useful against Keepers who have Temples, as they know how to cure their creatures. It is very effective against groups of heroes, however.

Disease cannot be spread back to your own creatures by enemies.

Cure creatures infected by enemy Keepers by dropping them in the Temple perimeter, and keep infected creatures away from others until they have healed.

As with the Chicken spell, if your enemy has Vampires, attack him at his Temple. He may accidentally throw an undead bloodsucker into the pool, causing his entire dungeon to become afflicted with Disease. You yourself, of course, should avoid doing this.


Cost: 1200-3000
Duration: 15-55 seconds
Effect: Transforms target creature into a clucking chicken
Works: Only within your own domain.

Special Notes:
Creatures under the effects of this spell become poultry. They cannot be eaten, and they retain their health, but they lose all fighting abilities and their defense is compromised.

Be careful not to cast this spell on your own creatures, and place those affected in the Temple perimeter. Keep them away from hatcheries at all costs!

Note that sacrificing two Bile Demons in the temple has the effect of casting this spell on your entire dungeon. This works equally as well for enemy Keepers, so try attacking them at their temples. If you're lucky, a Call to Arms will be raised and the fool will drop his creatures into the pool, possibly transforming all his creatures into chickens!

 Destroy Walls

Cost: 10000-26000.
Duration: --
Effect: Breaks down a fortified wall into earth and an earth wall into unclaimed path. Radius of effect varies with power.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
This spell is the definition of too expensive. What makes it a real rip-off though is that it takes two castings to reduce fortified wall to a path tile, which is contrary to expectations built up by the game. Using this spell much at all will reduce your bank account to a dust bunny in no time flat, so use it only when you really need it. That should be once or twice in any level - and I never recommend casting it in a radius. One or two tiles at most should suffice to make a gateway into any protected area.

As mentioned in the Sight of Evil spell, be careful when casting this spell inside a Sight of Evil circle. You may not be pleased with the results.


Cost: 60000.
Duration: --
Effect: Transports all creatures in the realm to your Dungeon Heart for a final, decisive battle.
Works: Anywhere.

Special Notes:
This is the ultimate spell a Keeper can control. Each species of creature will be transported one at a time, from all sources - Keepers, Heroes, and unaligned creatures (who become yours instantly). Note that this includes your Imps, sadly.

Once the spell is cast, it cannot be undone. There will be a timer count-down until Armageddon during which life will go on as normal. When this timer expires, each species will be teleported, starting with Imps and probably ending with Avatars, should there be any. During this time you cannot control or aid your minions. Whoever is left with the most creatures when the count-down is complete will be declared the victor automatically, and all other Dungeon Hearts will be destroyed.

An expensive, but quick and easy, solution to conquering violent Keepers and overwhelming hero forces. Don't hesitate to use it to avoid long, protracted wars of attrition, as long as you know you can win.